September 5, 2011
Thanks Angie!
Those of you who follow
lil raggedy Angie's blog already know how sweet and generous she is. She was having giveaways every day last week! And then I find a box down at the post office chuck full of goodies that completely blew me away! This was not a swap . . . not a purchase . . . just a thoughtful gift from Angie who most definitely has a heart of gold . . .

My favorite piece was this very cool tin pocket with a pineapple on it . . .

And check out this wooden pineapple . . .

And a tin pineapple hook . . .

And one little, two little, three little pumpkins . . .

And a pineapple bowl just perfect for that bag of yummy candy she sent . . .

And this chubby pineapple has found a home in the center of my compote dish, surrounded by Misi's wax fruits . . .

I can't imagine how Angie knew I loved pineapples ~ LOL ~ I just love everything she sent. And I was really humbled by the fact that Angie took time out of her busy life to send me such a sweet collection of goodies. Thanks Angie!

On the work front, I finished up the kitty cat family and they'll be headed to Ebay tonight . . .

And now I'm starting on some Pumpkin People . . .
Have a great week!
Hmmm.Wonder why Angie thought you loved pineapples.LoL...Love the kitty holding the pumpkin folk.Your creativity never ceases.I bet you have lots of sleepless nights with all those ideas swirling!~Amy
What a sweetie! Those are such beautiful gifts!
I really love your cat people and the beginnings of your pumpkin person!
hi, Madalynne~
Wonderful goodies from Sweet Angie~ she's a great gal!!
Screaming over the kitties~Madalynne they are purrfect~ next pumpkins Oh, girl you are making us all droooool~
have a great day~
Wow Madalynne - You received some lovely goodies! Love the pineapples!
Your pumpkin person is looking good! I can't wait to see it finished - great work!
How sweet and generous is Angie!
She certainly picked out the perfect gifts for you! I LOVE all those pineapples!
You're sure sewing up a plentiful assortment of wonderful kitties and pumpkins - fantastic as ever!
Best wishes
Well, that little Raggedy must have been picking pineapples especially for you for quite a while! Holy smokes!! Great instant collection - love them! And somehow I know you'll put them to good use! Angie is a thoughtful soul....
And that screaming you heard? Nope - not Teresa...ME.....Those kitties are AMAZING!!! I want the whole dang litter!! Madalynne you are incredible...simply incredible!
Hope you're enjoying your holiday...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
MADALYNNE, I am so loving those kitties !!! Your talent never ceases to put me in shock and awe ! OMG so awesome! My ffil and I were bloggin in ICU together briefly yesterday , and you were being discussed ,you see everyone calls him squirrel , so I just had to show him your squirrel family needless to say HE WENT NUTS !!! LOL so you gotcha yet another Ohio fan ! Glad you like those pineapples and they just screamed send me to Madalynne! have a great day sweetie ! hugs lil raggedy angie
I am in love with the black cat girl holding a pumpkin dollie! Swoon!
What a fantastic gift! She is so generous and sweet. You have a great friend there.
Wonderful gifts, now i will be looking at pineapple items when I hit the thrifts and consignments;) I love that cat family. Haven't been selling lately so money in my account, or i would use it on your new setting;)
Wow, Madalynne, you got a stock of Pineapples now, so nice of Angie!
Love the new Cat Family, your dolls are the best!
Your kitty cat family is amazing! They really come to life! You are SO talented! Love your sweet gifts, too! The little pumpkins are precious! ♥
Angie is just the nicest ever! Love everything she sent you!
Love that kitty cat family!!!! ♥♥♥Love Love Love Love. ♥♥♥
Carmen and the Primcats
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